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Ugh, I hate my job so much that it gives me anxiety!
Can you relate to me?
Do you hate your job but can’t quit?
Are you constantly going nuts and saying, “I hate my job but I need money!”
Yeah, I get you because it’s a tough situation, and like me, I bet these thoughts go through your head A LOT:
- “I want to quit my job but I need money. What should I do?”
- “I hate my job and my life. What can I do to change this?”
- “What to do when you hate your job but can’t quit?”
- “How do you deal with a job you don’t like?”
- “My job is making me miserable. Should I quit?”
In my particular situation, I hate my banking job!
Well, I want to tell you that you are not alone!
According to research by BambooHR, job satisfaction has continuously dropped since 2020 and reached an all-time low in 2023.
I’ve been in that position, too!
I Hate My Job But Need Money!
For the past few years, I’ve gone straight home to yell, scream, and cry because I felt stuck at a day job that I absolutely hate.
I admit I hate work and I hate going to work!
It didn’t matter how many jobs I switched or how much I got paid. Yes, like most of you, I need the money desperately, but I can’t help but feel miserable and sad deep inside.
Not to mention, I hate having to answer to a boss, especially those who are disrespectful and think they are OH ALMIGHTY, but I know they’re not; they’re just… UGH!
Oh yeah, and I know it’s easy for people to tell you, “If you hate your job so much, you should just find a new one.”
Yes, I agree this works for people who want change and a new challenge at a new job. But for some (you know who you are), this won’t solve your problem.
I know that dreadful feeling you face when you’re at a job you hate so much (or any other job).
It can really sap the energy out of you! But I want to tell you that you don’t have to feel this way.
How I Quit The Job I Hate!
I originally wrote this post as if it were a daily diary to vent and let out my emotions. You can continue reading it to see the original content. Here is an update since then…
UPDATE: I finally quit my job! It took me a year to prepare, both mentally and financially, to quit the job I disliked.
I initially started this blog as a side hobby to learn how to make money online. To my surprise, I was able to quit my job to become a full-time blogger earning an annual salary of over six-figures within 1 year after following the tips I wrote for you below. I sincerely hope this will help you too!
In fact, when I was still working at a banking job that I absoolutely dreaded, I was sharing FinSavvy Panda’s blogging progress through my blog income reports (still at my job during that time) to show people that it’s possible to start a blog and leave the job that’s giving you stress or anxiety.
You know, there was a time when I thought quitting my day job was just a far-off fantasy. Fast forward to now, and it’s a dream come true.
I can still vividly remember the excitement of making my first $1,000 from blogging, starting out fresh in the game. Now, on any given day, I’m making over $500 in a single day (equivalent to $15,000 per month)—just from my blog.
Take a peek at this screenshot below. It shows only a slice of my earnings of $500 a day, specifically from affiliate links. It doesn’t even begin to cover other revenue streams like display ads, partnerships with other businesses, or sales from my own digital products.
But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Have a look at one of my income reports, where I’ve detailed how I managed to earn $27,000 in just one month. Seriously, how awesome does that sound? I know this could be you too if you are willing to start a money-making blog and put in the work!
You know what’s crazy about quitting my job?
Once upon a time, the thought of earning $1,000 online in a day seemed totally out of reach. But it turns out, with a bit of stubbornness, hard work, and determination, even something as ambitious as making $1,936 in a day is not impossible. Quite a journey, huh?
Now you can read all of the below for an action plan for those of you who are thinking, “I hate my job but what should I do?”
These are the things I did while I was still stuck at my 9-5 job.
PIN (OR BOOKMARK) THIS PAGE: I’ll be updating this post, so make sure to pin this image HERE and save it to your Pinterest board. That way, you’ll be able to come back to this page and help you deeply answer the question “should I quit my job if i hate it?”
What To Do When You Hate Your Job
So, you’re probably now asking, “What do you do when you hate your job?” and “How can I get out of my job?
Here’s what I’ve been doing to help me cope with a job I hate but can’t quit (yet).
Related posts related to quitting a job you hate:
- How To Become a Blogger and Get Paid (I started at $0 and today, I earn over 6 figures per year)
- How to quit my job and still make money in passive income
- This Quote By Warren Buffett Will Inspire You To Quit Your Job!
Ask yourself: Why do I hate my job?
It’s hard to solve your problem when you don’t know why you hate your job. The first step is to figure out the root cause by asking yourself why you hate your job so much.
Here are some common reasons why you hate your job:
- the people you work with are toxic.
- my job is giving me so much stress and anxiety.
- I hate working because it’s not what I like to do.
- you are being micromanaged and controlled.
- your work is not appreciated and no one respects you.
- you are underpaid and overworked.
- there are no opportunities for growth or promotions.
- the work is not challenging.
- your company’s values are not in sync with yours.
- there is no work-life balance.
- the stuff you’re doing is just not what you expected.
- you are lacking passion and fulfillment.
- you just know that you cannot answer to man. (you want to be your own boss).
If all of the above is how you feel, except for the last point, then beefing up your resume and changing jobs may solve your problem.
However, if the last point also applies to you, like me, switching jobs will probably not help. This is where you need to do more digging and search for answers about yourself.
Oh, and if you hate working because it’s not what you like to do, then you may want to consider trying out some lucrative passive income ideas. This may apply to those of you who hate your new job. I had a few readers telling me, “I hate my new job after 2 days of working.” That could just mean you hate working, so no matter what, you’ll hate most jobs unless you learn how to make money passively.
How to be happy at a job you hate
Thinking outside of your job, spend a few moments to figure out what makes you happy.
What do you love to do?
I know this sounds so cliche, but I cannot stress how important this is!
I admit that I had still have trouble figuring out what I love and want to do for the rest of my life.
We’re often asked the question, “What are your passions?” but we scratch our heads because we never seem to have the answers.
Don’t worry, I was there once. And to be honest with you, I still don’t know 100%. However, I’m able to answer this question better than before.
With that said, I want to help you search for your answers too.
What I’m about to say might be different from the general advice, but following the steps below helped me figure out what sparks joy within me.
This is how to stay happy at work despite hating your job. It’s what helped me cope with the current job I hate and I hope you’ll be inspired to do the same as well.
What do you do when you hate your job
After asking yourself why you hate your job, it’s time to do some internal research.
That means learning more about yourself and finding your purpose.
This free personality test may help you search for some answers. I have to admit that I didn’t really know myself that well prior to taking this test!
If it weren’t for this test, I wouldn’t have discovered the opportunities outside of the 9-5 (or today’s 9-9) traditional jobs that I hate so much!
Don’t let social norms dictate who you are
I have to say, though, you’ll have to be 100% honest with yourself when you take the personality test.
Don’t try to force your answers to be what society thinks you should be. That will just lead you back to confusion, unhappiness, and potentially being stuck at the job you hate forever.
Using myself as an example, when I first found out that I’m an INFJ (one type of introvert), I was flipping out and thought it was the end of the world!
I was quite upset and mad about it.
Well, I didn’t realize this, but I wanted the results to tell me that I’m an extrovert.
For goodness sake, the job that I’m in is dominated by more extroverts than introverts (at least that’s how it seems on the surface)!
Perhaps there are many introverts who disguise themselves as extroverts because they subconsciously think that is what’s going to make them more successful, make more money, and hence become happier.
Despite knowing deep inside that the personality test results were pretty accurate, I still redid the test over 50 times because I couldn’t accept myself.
The results kept screaming out, in Nelson’s laugh…
I realized that my self-denial was making me become close-minded, which clouded my vision and prevented me from seeking other opportunities.
With that said, it was time for me to be 100% honest with myself…
Embrace yourself!
This may mean letting go of your ego and accepting who you really are.
Doing that may open more doors to other career opportunities that you would have never thought about.
It’s time to look for other career opportunities, whether it be finding a new job or looking for non-traditional work-from-home jobs for introverts.
Being 100% honest with yourself can lead you to opportunities that you never thought would be possible.
That’s when I finally told myself that I needed to accept the facts and embrace who I really am.
You also need to train yourself to become open-minded to new possibilities and be ready for some change!
🌟 UPDATE: I NEVER in my life imagined that I would transition from a traditional day job as an analyst at the bank to start a profitable blog and become a full-time blogger!
Trust me, I’m NO expert and I started with absolutely zero experience just over a year ago!
There are a ton of things I still need to learn, but I never felt this excited about working from home and being able to earn a full-time income online!
Discover Other Potential Career Opportunities
Once I accepted my results from the personality test, I endlessly searched about my personality type and read EVERY SINGLE article and blog post I could find on Google and Pinterest!
I highly recommend you do this too.
Search for answers to find out more about your personality type. This self-discovery could help you learn more about yourself, and potentially what you may enjoy doing.
I found this to be especially true when I was reading about my personality trait under the jobs and career sections.
Using my personal results as an example, it says INFJs are creative creatures and would do well and find meaningful work as psychologists, designers, artists, professors, life coaches, or authors (including starting a blog).
Again, all of these career opportunities NEVER crossed my mind because my vision was clouded by my parents’ and society’s expectations.
They all told me that I should graduate from business school and climb as high as I could in the corporate world.
And look at where I am now…
Bouncing from one corporate job to another and hating it with a passion!
I’m just not a fan of corporate work or corporate politics… I just like the idea of financial freedom so I can live life with purpose and spend more time with the people I love.
With all that said, this is why I started a blog in addition to flipping furniture as a side hustle for extra money.
Again, starting this blog was out of this world for me because I never considered myself a writer (I still don’t). For crying out loud, I failed grade 11 English, LOL!
I couldn’t tell you how much happier I’ve become. I’m currently writing for my readers while making extra money on the side.
On top of that, being able to write on this blog is helping me cope with a job I hate but can’t quit (yet). ♥
I hope this inspires you to start your blog too.
🌟 UPDATE: Just one year ago when I wrote this post, I was still at a job I hated.
I tried a ton of side hustles to make extra money. I even tried earning cash with some of the highest paying online surveys, but I found blogging one of the most enjoyable and profitable! And what I realized is you DON’T need to be tech savvy nor the best writer to start a money-making blog!
At the time of this update, I’m making over $20,000 per month blogging. I officially started this blog with no experience and was able to quit my job within 12 months!
Sign up to my FREE 7-day e-mail course here and I’ll teach you how to start a money-making blog from scratch!
I hate my job but it pays well
I know that most of you are being held back by this thought: “I hate my job but it pays well.”
This was one of the thoughts that came into my mind back when I was still working a 9-5 job.
But there was a specific quote that really changed my perspective, and if there’s one person who you should listen to when it comes to this topic, it’s a billionaire. So take it from Warren Buffett.
“Take the job you would take if you were independently wealthy. You’re going to do well at it.” — Warren Buffett
Here’s a quick video clip of Warren Buffett’s career advice, tap dancing to work…
For me, I gave flipping furniture and blogging a try AFTER figuring out my personality type.
As I got into learning more and more about it, I realized that those hobbies and potential career opportunities sparked my interest!
Whether you love cooking, crafting, cleaning, crunching numbers, talking to people, making people laugh, playing with kids, or [whatever it is], you need to figure out what you enjoy.
While I was trying to learn more about myself, I had to stop thinking about what jobs my parents wanted me to pursue. They wanted me to become “successful” and their definition of success meant high-paying jobs in accounting, banking, law, medicine, etc.
Overall, I stopped caring about what my parents wanted. I also stopped caring about what society defines as “right” or “successful.”
Quit your job to chase your passions?
And NO, I’m not telling you to quit your job now to blindly chase your passions!
I know you have financial obligations and cannot afford to quit your job.
Spare some time to take the personality test and do thorough research based on your results.
Those results may help you think about how to leverage your skills and interests to make money.
As you get closer to finding your answers, set aside some time on weeknights and weekends to pursue these interests, hobbies, passions—whatever you want to call them.
That’s exactly what I’m doing with this blog and my furniture gig. I’ve spent time learning how to flip furniture and how to start a blog to make extra money.
I will tell you straight up that this doesn’t happen overnight. It took me over a year just to be here, and I’m nowhere near quitting my job yet.
But, I am taking small steps to get to where I want to be.
This self-discovery journey includes investing in yourself as well, another brilliant piece of advice from Warren Buffett.
“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.” — Warren Buffett
Once you start investing your time, money, and energy into your hobbies and interests, you won’t even notice that time flies because you’ll be so focused on trying to make things work so you can quit your job soon.
Long story short, learn and study yourself as if you’re studying for an exam.
Try many different things to see what brings you joy. Start googling for more answers. That includes seeing if there’s a way to monetize your skills, passions, and interests.
You can also start reading self-development books for additional help.
By the way, you don’t necessarily have to be skilled, as long as you have a strong interest in learning whatever it is that you enjoy doing.
You may want to invest in yourself while learning or picking up a new skill you find enjoyable that is, of course, marketable at the same time.
For me, I used my spare time to invest in a blogging education so I could learn how to monetize what I enjoy doing.
Are you chasing the wrong passions?
Here is a quick video by life coach, Shaina Leis, that I found VERY helpful when it comes to knowing whether or not you’re chasing the wrong passions.
Be sure to watch it!
Action plan: How to quit your job
How do you plan to quit your job? When is your “quit” date?
First, look at the bigger picture and plan for your long-term goals.
Next, break them down into smaller goals.
Once you figure out why you hate your job and understand yourself better, it’s time to focus on your new “life goals” and slowly shift your negative energy away from the job you hate.
It could be that you’re looking for a new job, learning a new skill, or starting a business on the side.
Again, I’m not telling you to quit now when you have no money; you won’t be financially ready and that will likely cause more stress.
As usual, continue with your job and do what’s expected based on your job description while you’re preparing for an exit plan.
You’re still held responsible for your tasks and duties at work, so don’t show any negative emotions.
And definitely, DO NOT give any hints that you’re preparing to quit your job.
Remain professional about the situation so you avoid being axed. Trust me, you don’t want to burn any bridges or leave with a bad impression.
Efficiently use your time and energy to focus on your next big move. This is where you write down your plans and goals.
To make it more motivating, mark down your desired “quit” date on your calendar. Make sure this is realistic.
As time goes by, do quarterly and/or semi-annual reviews to see how things are going. It’s okay to tweak your plans and make adjustments.
How to quit your job when you have no money
I’m going to be honest with you now. It’s not a good idea to quit your job if you have no money. It’s a risky move!
I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it, since it seems to work for some people, especially those who have found a loving support system such as family and friends. But let’s admit it: not everyone has the same resources to fall back on.
Instead of immediately quitting, I suggest taking steps to become more financially secure. It’s really important that you have savings for instances like this, so if you don’t have one yet, it’s time to start! It’s a general rule of thumb to build your savings to be equal to 3 to 6 months of your expenses.
You can look into learning how to save $10,000 or even $15,000 in a year by being more disciplined with your approach.
Start by identifying areas where you can trim costs. It’s important to live frugally and avoid any unnecessary spending. Dining out, watching movies, or buying luxury items aren’t needed purchases, and they might just be what’s stopping you from becoming a millionaire.
It also wouldn’t hurt to find more sources of income so you’re not limited to what you’re earning from the job you currently hate.
While it’s so tempting to just take off from your job without any warning, it’s important to be more strategic with your approach.
Keep Asking Yourself the “Why”
Two years ago, I went to see a counselor and went through several therapy sessions paid for by my company.
Here’s one tip my counselor offered when we talked about how much I hated my job but couldn’t quit yet.
This is what he asked me. You can apply this to yourself as well:
“Ask yourself why you’re still at the job you hate. Why aren’t you leaving? There must be a purpose. What’s the end goal?”
I responded something along the lines of:
“I’m still here because it can help me buy a ticket to financial freedom while being able to pursue my other hobbies on the side. I know that switching to another job will not solve my problems because I have a goal of becoming so and so (not sharing that part yet). If sticking around for a few more years can yield huge payoffs for my family’s future, I’m more than willing to sacrifice a little bit today.”
He told me to always keep this “why” in mind because it will make the job I hate much more tolerable. He said as long as you know what your life goals are, and how to get there, this “why” should serve as a motivating factor.
I Quit My Job To Blog Full-Time!
After keeping my “why” in mind and working towards my goals, I was able to move on to new and better things!
Again, it never crossed my mind to quit my job this soon!
When I started this blog, I liked the idea of making an extra $100 to $1,000 as a start. Making extra money definitely helped a lot because it allowed me to save money as I was preparing to quit my job.
If you’re interested, you can start your blog for as low as $2.95 per month when you sign up through my easy step-by-step tutorial here. That’s over 60% off regular pricing! Plus, get a FREE domain name ($15 value) when you sign up through my tutorial.
This low price is exclusive to Finsavvy Panda readers!
Starting a blog was the best decision I made last year because it actually allowed me to work towards my goals and quit the job I hated!
FAQs About How To Quit The Job You Hate
When I initially wrote this post, I felt alone in my feelings and had no idea that there are so many other people out there who really hate their jobs so much!
I received thousands of emails from my readers over the years where they expressed their frustration and anger towards their boss, coworkers, and the overall environment of their job. Some were low-paying and others had jobs that paid well. Either way, so many people asked me the same questions, so I decided to answer them in this section to help you out.
1. What to do when you hate your job and you can’t quit?
It’s such a bitter pill to swallow that we can’t quit whenever we want to. I’ve been there! Sometimes, we’re already struggling with living paycheck to paycheck and it’s just impossible to let go of where you’re getting your income from. Luckily, you can do something to make the situation better for you.
While you’re still unable to quit, it’s best to focus on what’s positive. As they say, when you’re already down, there’s nowhere else to go but up! Think about what small things can make your job bearable. Try to find tasks that you can genuinely enjoy or make a strong bond with a coworker so you have something to look forward to. These can help lessen the negativity surrounding you.
Of course, if you want to eventually quit, you’ll have to improve your financial situation. Whether it’s finding a side hustle, managing your expenses better, or building savings from scratch, you can do it gradually until you feel that you’ll be secure for a few months even without a job.
Remember that what you’re going through is just a phase, and you’ll be over it in no time. It’s hard, but we have to accept that we have to go through bad days to get to the good ones!
2. Should I quit my job if I absolutely hate it?
When you get to the point where you absolutely hate your job, it’s easy to just walk away and quit, regardless of how secure your safety net is. But it’s important to assess things first: How’s your financial status? How hard would it be to find a new job? What’s making you hate your job?
You need to address these things, but never forget that your mental and physical health should always be your top priority. If your job is taking a toll on your well-being, maybe the short-term discomfort is worth it.
To give you a clearer picture of this situation, I’ll share my story. I was at a point when I always thought, “I hate my job but I can’t quit!” I wasn’t a big risk-taker then, so I never did anything until I was able to make around $6,000 from my blog. My earnings were on a steady climb from $2,000 to $10,000, and now I’m making six figures from my blog alone.
There was still the risk of everything not working out, but I didn’t leave my job until I was sure I already had a safety net and a savings plan that I could fall back on. It’s always important to have a Plan B (up to even Z)!
3. What to do when you hate your job but need the money?
Are you wondering what to do if you hate your job but need the money? Sadly, a lot of us have been there. We’re working to earn money, after all.
The best way to approach this situation is by finding a second job or side hustle that could give you another stream of income. They don’t have to take up a big chunk of your time (especially if you’re still stuck in a full-time job), but they can help you start building a financial safety net. Plus, who knows? It might just bloom into a full-time career for you.
Your side hustles should be jobs that you genuinely enjoy doing, so they wouldn’t add to the stress you’re already feeling from your main job.
Just look at what I did. I wasn’t satisfied with my job, but I knew I couldn’t quit because I wasn’t financially ready to. So, I started a new hobby: blogging. I didn’t think of my blog as a money-making blog right away. I just looked at it as a way to destress, but guess what? Since I was consistent at it, and I was willing to learn more, it grew into a real career for me. I’m now a full-time blogger, and I couldn’t be happier.
If you pursue a side hustle that aligns with your passions and interests, you could be like me, too!
Summary of what to do when you hate your job
Well, there you have it—my approach to dealing with a job you hate but can’t seem to quit yet. It will take time, but the most important part is getting started.
Here’s my recap:
1) Ask yourself why you hate your job. Determine the root cause.
2) Do you know what you enjoy? What is your life’s purpose?
3) Whether you know your passions or not, take the free personality test to find out.
4) Research more about your personality trait and find out which careers match your type. A lot of this has to do with self-discovery. Starting a money-making blog opened many doors and opportunities for me!
5) Take Warren Buffett’s advice:
– Take the job you would take if you were independently wealthy. You’re going to do well at it.
– The best investment you can make is in yourself.
6) Create an action plan (and goals) for when and how to quit your job. Make sure you do periodic reviews and adjust accordingly.
7) Create a financial plan (and goals) for when and how to quit your job. Like the action plan, make sure you do periodic reviews and adjust accordingly.
8) Keep asking and reminding yourself of the “why” question. This should serve as your motivation.
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