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If you’re new to Finsavvy Panda blog, you may be wondering what this blog income is about and why I publish these reports.
I was skeptical about the idea of making money online and thought it sounded too good to be true but I kept an open mind and tried it out myself, which I’m very glad I did!
My blog income reports are a true reflection of the journey and progress of a brand new blogger, me, who started with no experience – you’ll know that I’m not lying or exaggerating when you read through my blogging archive. I’m a very emotional and highly sensitive person so I wrote things that truly reflect how I felt and what I did as a beginner.
UPDATE: As a brand new blogger, I started with $0 but with patience, I was able to make my first $100 blogging in a few months. After six months, I made my first $1,000 and within my first year of blogging, I exceeded my goal of earning $5,000 per month. Eventually, in my second year, I was able to earn over $100,000 a year with this small and personal blog, which really surprises me!
Quick story of how I earn a full-time income online with no experience
If you’re someone who feels trapped at a job you dislike or you’re unsure of what you want in life, then you and I have something in common.
I was very unhappy and I DREADED going to work every day. I did not want to see or interact with anyone and it was very hard to get through the day.
To make things worse, I’m an extremely introverted and quiet person who had to put on an extroverted mask at work just to not feel like an oddball, or in a worst-case scenario, get let go in times of a company restructuring because I didn’t “fit” in.
I hated my job so much (actually all the jobs I’ve ever had) to the point where I was desperate enough to save as much money as I could and look for different ways to earn a full-time income online.
Working another job for another company wasn’t going to solve the problem either because I knew that I wanted to work on my own terms without having to deal with gossip and political BS.
Just like you, I was looking for ways to earn extra cash so I could increase my savings and hopefully quit my job one day.
Within one year of starting this blog, I made it happen. I reached my goal of earning a full-time income as a full-time blogger from home and I left my job.
Whether you want to earn money from home as a stay-at-home mom, quit the job you hate, or just want to make extra on the side to help you pay off debt and increase your savings, I want to help you achieve your financial goals.
I’ll be honest. When I first started this blog, I was confused and didn’t know what my goal was.
I just thought of giving it a shot to see if I could earn an extra $100 to $500 a month. I was already working on other side hustles to distract me from going nuts at work. 🙂
That’s why I started this blog income report series to keep track of my blogging journey and to show you that earning a full-time income online from home is possible.
It’s my way to have fun testing, experimenting, and sharing live with you on what worked and what didn’t work.
I’m very happy with my blogging progress and I would love to help beginners like you!
How to start a profitable blog: Many readers e-mailed me and asked me what I did to get the results I get. To help you, I created this FREE 7-day e-mail course below that teaches you how to start your blog without having to be an expert at what you blog about. There has been a lot of positive feedback from many readers so I highly encourage you to sign up for my free course below if you want to learn how to start a blog and make money.
September Blog Income Report
Welcome to my September blog income report!
I want to start off by saying this:
For those of you who are making less than $1,000 or even close to $0, please don’t feel discouraged. I was in the exact same position as you not too long ago! Just keep at it and focus on learning because you won’t know when you’ll start seeing results. The secret to seeing results is not giving up!
Please head over to my July blog income report where I made $703.57. I will tell you that I was making ~$0 and struggling for over 6 months in my blogging journey! And to be very honest, I’m still struggling. Believe me, you just don’t see what happens behind the scenes.
I want this blog income report to be as real and authentic as possible. I’ve put in a lot of hours into this blog and most of those hours are spent tweaking older posts to see what affiliate marketing strategy works. That also includes making a lot of new pins for Pinterest using Canva so that I can promote them. Both my daily traffic and earnings have been extremely bipolar so I can’t predict what will happen next. For example, a lot of my affiliate earnings came in during the last week of September and that’s what drove my blog income to increase. This blogging journey has been a crazy roller coaster ride and I want you to be aware of that!
I’ve also been debating whether or not I should share my blog income reports because I am afraid of coming off as bragging or lying — or even both! I don’t want to come off as either because my sincere hope is to show others that it is possible to earn extra money on top of their full-time jobs. This includes helping stay-at-home parents who are seeking work from home jobs.
Before I started a blog, I was skeptical about the idea of working from home and making money online. But after seeing other bloggers’ income reports and testing it myself, I realized that it is possible!
Be realistic about your blog income results:
I remember saying exactly this in my first blog income report:
“I’m definitely not making a lot compared to other bloggers who are pulling in over $1,000 every month. But despite how little or much I make, I believe that everyone can learn from each other!”
For me to write this, it means that I was not expecting to make over $1,000 per month blogging.
I was shocked that I made $2,797.64 last month and now really shocked that I made $4,509.50 in September. As I said earlier, most of my affiliate earnings decided to come in at the last week. My goal was to maintain it or improve it by $100 to $200 because I still consider myself new to the blogging world.
If you’ve read my previous income reports (or my blog in general), you’ll know that I don’t set unrealistic expectations for myself.
I’m not a competitive person because competition and aggressiveness are too overwhelming and stressful for me. That’s not to say that competition is bad. Just that it doesn’t work well for my personality type. Overall, I’m more focused on learning at my own pace and comparing myself only to me and not others.
Learn from course instructors
I never compare my beginning to another blogger’s middle because that does more harm than good. Instead, I always tell my readers to be inspired and learn from them!
I started reading more into other bloggers’ income reports and invested in blogging resources for help and some clues.
I don’t know what to expect next month because blogging isn’t a walk in the park. To be honest, I am nervous and scared that I won’t be able to beat my August and September blog income results, but that doesn’t stop me from learning from other bloggers. 🙂
Related blog income posts that show you how to make money blogging:
- February Blog Income Report: $7,498.94
- January Blog Income Report: $6,790.93
- December Blog Income Report: $6,840.01
- November Blog Income Report: $5,532.13
- October Blog Income Report: How I Made $4,798.01 Blogging
- July Blog Income Report: How I Made $703.57 Blogging
- How To Make Money on Pinterest by Starting a Blog
If you like the idea of making an extra $1,000+ per month or even turning it into a full-time income, you can start your blog for cheap with my easy step-by-step tutorial. There’s also a low-pricing offer exclusive to through my tutorial when you sign up. On top of getting the low price deal, you’ll receive a free website domain name for the first year (a $15 value) when you purchase, at least, 12 months of blog hosting.
So many people asked me if you can making money blogging without going self-hosted. In other words, can you make money by signing up for a free blog.
I NEVER recommend you going towards the “free blogging” route. Instead, I always highly recommend investing in the basic hosting plan with Bluehost, which is exactly what I did as a brand new blogger, because 1) it’s very affordable to get started and 2) your blog will look more professional, welcoming and polished. Many blogging experts always emphasize that these factors will definitely help your blog make money!
Without further ado, let’s take a look at my blog income for September.
September Blog Income
In September, I earned $4,509.50. Please note that this is in Canadian dollars before any expenses or fees. Payouts occur 30-45 days.
Affiliate income – $2,719.60
- Money-saving resources (Checkout 51, OhmConnect, Ebates, $5 Meal Plan, survey companies, etc.) – $1,730.01
- Amazon – $65.11
- Blue Host – $225 USD ($288 CAD)
- Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing – $399.20 USD ($510.98 CAD)
- Pinterest ebook – $12.80 USD ($16.38 CAD)
- Tailwind – $15 USD (19.20 CAD)
- ebook sales – $70.25 USD ($89.92 CAD)
Total display advertising – $1,789.90
Mediavine – $1,398.36 USD (~$1,789.90 CAD)
Total blog income = $4,509.50
Blog Expenses:
I don’t have any blog expenses for this month.
I would like to invest the money I made back into this blog. It’s been on my mind but I was too focused on testing different affiliate marketing strategies and going through a few courses. That said, I didn’t have the time to look into ConvertKit nor the time to purchase a new blog theme. I will look into this once I find the time. It’s important to take things one step at a time without rushing!
Blog income after expenses = $4,509.50
Now that you know my blog income, let’s talk about what happened in September.
How I increased my blog income:
My blog income increased despite a traffic drop for this month. My traffic dipped from over 88,000 (71,415 sessions) in August to 84,225 (65,884 sessions) pageviews in September which I will discuss later.
So, how did my blog income increase from $2,797.64 in August to $4,509.50 in September?
1. Earnings in Affiliate Marketing
If you remember from my last month’s income report, I mentioned that I referred back to the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course and implemented some of the course strategies to my top-performing posts. Those posts continued to be my top-performing this month and that’s why my Awin earnings remained pretty consistent at $939.40 USD ($1,202.43 CAD) in September. For all the juicy details of how I increased my Awin earnings from $120 to over $1,000 per month, please head over to my August Blog Income Report.
Spoiler alert: my top performing posts are all related to saving money and personal finance! Not about blogging!
Similar to what I did last month, I continued to implement more affiliate marketing strategies and made tweaks to my older posts and promoted them on Pinterest.
For example, I’ve neglected a few of my budgeting and money-saving posts (which had no affiliate links) for the longest time but I finally spent some time to improve them. To be honest, I never really promoted those posts in the past. I went ahead and made a new pin and promoted it on Pinterest after making changes.
For this month, I’ll be paying closer attention to Michelle’s module, How I’ve Earned Over $300,000 From One Affiliate Product, so that I can implement her tips to my older posts that need some love!
One thing I’ve learned is that less is more! When I have some time, I will be removing some affiliate programs that haven’t been working for me so that I can focus my time and effort on only a few.
My overall blog income results
Before implementing affiliate marketing strategies to my blog, I was making between $20 to $50 in blog income each month.
When I learned about affiliate marketing, I was very intrigued by the idea! I seriously had no idea what affiliate marketing was but I was really eager to learn more about it.
For a couple of months, I was researching for a top-notch course for beginners and I had stumbled upon Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. Initially, I was skeptical about the course but Michelle offers a 30-day money back guarantee so I took the plunge and enrolled.
I went from making $0 in affiliate marketing to $400-$500 USD consistently from April to July after implementing Michelle’s strategies.
And in August, I made over $1,500 USD in affiliate marketing. September was my highest affiliate earnings to date at over $2,000 USD!
UPDATE: Below is a screenshot of my blog income where affiliate marketing and display advertising are my only sources.
MY FREE GIFT TO YOU: If you decide to purchase this course using my link, send me an e-mail at [email protected] with a screenshot of your purchase and I’ll send you my Affiliate Marketing printable binder for FREE!
Many people have e-mailed me and told me that my binder has helped them organize their affiliate strategies to reach their blog income goals within 3 months of following Michelle’s strategies. 🙂
2. Ad Earnings
I became an official member of Mediavine on August 17th so you’ll see in my last blog income report that my ad earnings from Mediavine only covered the period from August 17th to August 30th.
Having that said, September is my first month where all of my ad earnings ($1,398.36 USD, ~$1,789.90 CAD) came from Mediavine!
Once you hit 25,000 monthly sessions (~30,000 monthly pageviews), you can immediately apply to Mediavine and improve your ad earnings significantly! I used to make on average $50 to $100 CAD per month under Google Adsense with roughly 15,000 to 24,000 pageviews. With Mediavine, you can increase your earnings by 3X to 5X (or more) given the same amount of pageviews!
On top of that, Mediavine provides exceptional customer service! They are there to help you optimize your ad earnings and are quick at responding to e-mails. The team has even mentioned that they will be there to assist me with my new blog theme to ensure a smooth transition!
Blog traffic results:
Blog traffic for September – 84,225 pageviews (65,884 sessions)
I want to first mention that my blog traffic was only 3,773 pageviews (1,059 sessions) back in November. Then I was always stuck at under 20,000 pageviews (~15,000 sessions) for over 8 months! 🙁
Great things happened after I spent my time learning how to use Pinterest along with joining Tailwind.
You can also learn how I get a lot of traffic on Pinterest with my blog post guide here.
My blog traffic in August was higher at over 88,000 pageviews (71,000 sessions). But to be honest, I’m extremely happy with 84,225 pageviews (65,884 sessions) for September!
I don’t mind at all that it fell slightly. If anything, I’m glad that it remained pretty consistent! Plus, I was still able to increase my blog income by over 60% despite the traffic dip! Having that said, I will be focusing on Michelle’s affiliate marketing strategies while trying to maintain a good amount of pageviews. I am eager to learn and test more of her strategies so that I can improve my conversions rather than focusing on pageviews.
Don’t get me wrong, having higher traffic is great (and you’ll need it) because that will provide you with more earning opportunities! But I’ve stumbled upon a few bloggers who are able to earn an amazing amount of income with less pageviews. I am really looking forward to learning from them!
For example, I stumbled upon a blog post and read how a woman who uses Pinterest to market her blog was able to earn over $1,000 per month from Amazon Affiliates with just 10,000 monthly page views! The post was truly amazing and inspiring!
How I increased my blog traffic significantly:
If you’re a regular follower of my blog, you’ll know that I was super depressed about my low traffic.
To put things into perspective, I went from 3,773 pageviews in November to over 80,000 monthly pageviews today (10 to 11 months later).
In the past: blog traffic for November
Here is how my monthly pageviews look after implementing Pinterest strategies onto my blog during the May-June period.
Sessions | Pageviews | |
Feb-18 | 6,643 | 9,333 |
Mar-18 | 20,370 | 26,685 |
Apr-18 | 18,956 | 24,573 |
May-18 | 11,133 | 19,599 |
Jun-18 | 13,325 | 17,307 |
Jul-18 | 34,426 | 43,226 |
Aug-18 | 71,415 | 88,536 |
Sep-18 | 65,884 | 84,225 |
I know it’s discouraging to hear how other bloggers are able to generate 50,000 monthly pageviews within their first few months of blogging. I definitely wasn’t one of them! It took me over 8-9 months just to hit my first 40,000 monthly pageviews.
After learning as much as I could about Pinterest (you can check out my recommendations here) and signing up for Tailwind, everything just started falling into place (unexpectedly):
1. My traffic improved and I was able to apply to Mediavine which increased my ad earnings by over 300%!
2. A few companies reached out to me and asked whether I wanted to become their affiliate. These same companies rejected me or ignored me many months ago when I reached out to them!
3. More traffic gave me more opportunity to test and apply Michelle’s affiliate marketing strategies. This allowed me to see what works and what doesn’t work with my top-performing posts!
Before I let you go, I want to mention one thing that really helped me last month and you shouldn’t underestimate its power…
Focus and say no to everything else!
It’s tough to manage a blog when you have a full-time job. So, I really believe that focusing on ONE thing at a time goes a long way! For the last month, that meant focusing my efforts only on affiliate marketing strategies, making new pins and promoting them, along with learning some Google SEO strategies.
NOT obsessing over minor details on my blog, sending e-mails to my subscribers, looking for the best blog theme or the next best social share plugin, logging onto Facebook to see what’s new, making new freebies, or writing a new post every day. Though these are things I’d like to do with the blog, they weren’t my first priority given such little time. ONE step at a time!
I don’t want to bore you to tears so I will end it here.
Over to you — How has your blogging journey been? Do you share your blog income report? If you’re looking into starting a blog, don’t forget to sign up for my FREE 7-day course below where I provide you with epic and valuable information! 🙂
Enjoyed this post? Don’t forget to pin it and follow me on Pinterest! 🙂
This is awesome! I appreciate you including your progress. I appreciate the in-depth blogging information.
@Stephanie – I’m glad you enjoy reading about my blogging progress! Thank you for dropping by and feel free to let me know if you have any questions about growing your blog. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your detailed September 2018 blog income report. It’s inspiring to see how other bloggers can generate a significant income. Your transparency in breaking down your income sources and expenses is helpful for others to learn how to monetize their own blogs. Congratulations on your success and I look forward to reading more of your income reports in the future.
@Amit – Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read my blog income report. I’m glad that you found it inspiring and helpful in learning how to monetize your own blog.
Thanks again for your encouragement! Keep me posted on your blogging journey and let me know if you have any questions! 🙂
Hi Ling!
Well, what should I say apart from the fact that I am very inspired.
I too have a similar story but there’s a long way to come to your level.
Keep up the good work and inspire us all.
@Aditya – I’m glad to great you’re inspired. You are doing a fantastic job with your blog and I encourage you to keep it up! ⭐️